Alameda California | Holistic Medicine
ACUPUNCTUREANNSHENG Chinese Medicine Clinic3215 Encinal Avenue Alameda California 94501 Email admin@anshengtcm.com (510) 749-9630 http://www.anshengtcm.com/index_files/Page390.htm Dr. Men strongly believes that acupuncture treatments, herbal prescriptions or adjunct modalities must be determined solely upon the individual needs of the patient and the particular stage of illness in which s/he seeks treatment. ALEXANDER TECHNIQUEAlexander TechniqueLenka Fejt 1420 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 Email lenka.fejt@gmail.com (510) 517-1112 href="http://alexandertechniquealameda.health.officelive.com/aboutus.aspx" target="_blank">http://alexandertechniquealameda.health.officelive.com/aboutus.aspx Several years ago, when I was first introduced to the Alexander Technique, I suffered from severe chronic neck pain due to a personal injury. The Alexander Technique has since helped me to improve my overall health and as a result I have been able to reclaim most aspects of my life. CHIROPRACTORClinton ChiropracticReyes Phillip C DC 2059 Clinton Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 Email PhillipReyesDC@aol.com (510) 865-1355 href="http://alamedachiropractor.com/custom_content/c_79359_about_us.html" target="_blank">http://alamedachiropractor.com/custom_content/c_79359 href="http://alamedachiropractor.com/custom_content/c_79359_about_us.html" target="_blank">_about_us.html Since 1989 I've dedicated my career to providing people with fast, effective relief for all types of pain-from headaches and muscles aches to auto-accidents, sports injuries and work injuries. I do this by developing a partnership with my patients based on thorough evaluations, customized treatments, and clear communication. But as a doctor, my goal also extends to helping my patients improve their overall quality of life. COACHINGEsther Webber1529 Verdi Street Alameda California 94501 Email estherwebber@mac.com (510) 219-6987 http://www.estherwebber.com/coaching/ "Esther Webber provides weight loss coaching in the East Bay Area, in Alameda, in the wider Bay Area, and in Oakland. Find your weight loss experience and shed those pounds you've always dreamed of losing, and keep it off!" MASSAGEBack to Life1505 Webster Street Alameda, CA 94501 Email info@backtolifewellnesscenter.com (510) 522-0610 http://www.backtolifewellnesscenter.com/massage/swedish.php Massage stimulates the blood circulation, increasing the supply of nutrients and oxygen to cells. Massage stimulates lymphatic flow, improving tissue drainage and improving the immune system. Long, flowing connective strokes, called effleurage, generally have these effects. Table 4 One Shurrone Wallace 2424 Blanding Ave #206 Alameda, CA 94501 EMail Table4OneMassage@gmail.com (510) 306-6764 http://www.table4onemassage.com/about "I take pride in my intuition about the body. I listen to what each client has to say about his or her body; then I listen to the body itself, to see what it has to say. This allows me to address any issues that reveal themselves during each session." Range of Motion Margaret "Margy" Sommer 2241 Central Avenue, Suite E Alameda, CA 94501 Email wugsomm@earthlink.net (510) 337-8858 http://gr8massagepro.com/background.html I aim to personalize your session to your needs. If you want a deep tissue massage for just your neck and shoulders, I have the training and experience to directly and safely help you with that. I am available for full body massages. I can focus on specific areas and if you are not comfortable with deep massage work. My work is beneficial as a soothing, relaxing, therapeutic session without discomfort. REIKIHealing Bodywork and Psychic CounselPam Flowerday 1359 Versailles Ave Alameda California 94501 Email pam_flowerday@yahoo.com (510) 701-0204 http://www.pamflowerday.com/index.html Hands on energy healings and Reiki, massage and other bodywork modalities are offered to help release physical blocks and muscular holding patterns. You may choose to receive a single service or arrange a combination of services designed to address your long term healing goals in a more integrated fashion. SALON AND SPASumbody & Sumtime Spa1350 Park St Alameda, CA 94501 EMail dearsumbody@sumbody.com (510) 523-2639 http://www.sumbody.com/ Spa Products YOGAAlameda Yoga Station1708 Lincoln Avenue Alameda, CA yoga@alamedayogastation.com (510) 523-9642 The Alameda Yoga Station is dedicated to the teaching of hatha yoga, emphasizing proper body alignment to increase body awareness, flexibility, strength, coordination and a general sense of well-being. Island Yoga 911 Central Avenue Alameda, CA info@alamedaislandyoga.com (510) 205-5003 Island Yoga is a practice space located in Alameda's West End offering small, focused classes with teachers well-trained in their respective disciplines. Alameda California | Holistic Medicine