Columbus Georgia | Holistic Medicine
ACUPUNCTURELaning AcupunctureShannon L. Laning Lac 6367 Whitesville Road, Suite 100 Columbus Georgia 31904 Email shannon@laningacupuncture.com (706) 507-0407 http://www.laningacupuncture.com/about.html Shannon specializes in Japanese styles of acupuncture, focusing on treating the root of one's problem along with the manifestations and symptoms one experiences. This helps to strengthen and balance the body so that it is better able to heal itself. Wellness Integrative Paths, LLC 6400 Bradley Park Dr Columbus, GA 31904 Info info@wellnessintegrativepaths.com (706) 257-9980 href="http://www.wellnessintegrativepaths.com/medical-acupuncture.html" target="_blank">http://www.wellnessintegrativepaths.com/medical-acupuncture.html Our goal and mission are to provide you with these treatment modalities to enhance and complement any medical treatment in an integrative rather than a competing approach to your wellness. CHIROPRACTORRessmeyer Chiropractic Life CenterDr. Robert D. Ressmeyer 1329 Wynnton Road Columbus, GA 31906 EMail info@ressmeyerchiropractic.net (706) 323-0309 http://www.ressmeyerchiropractic.net/Services.html We are pleased to offer friendly, warm, and courteous Chiropractic care in beautiful historic midtown Columbus. HYPNOSISWellness Integrative Paths LLC6400 Bradley Park Dr Columbus, GA 31904 Info info@wellnessintegrativepaths.com (706) 257-9980 href="http://www.wellnessintegrativepaths.com/clinical-hypnosis.html" target="_blank">http://www.wellnessintegrativepaths.com/clinical-hypnosis.html The treatment goal is to be useful in enabling you to make the necessary changes you want for yourself that are keeping you from achieving a better state of health and well-being. MASSAGEWildwood Day Spa - Massage - Skin Care - Nails1817 Garrard Street Columbus Georgia 31901 Contact Spa@WildwoodDaySpa.com (706) 563-4494 http://www.wildwooddayspa.com/ Experience total de-stressing at its best! This signature massage incorporates aroma therapy infused steamed linens and therapeutic massage techniques to advance you into deep relaxation with the benefits of increased circulation and moisturized skin. Columbus Therapeutic Massage Debbie Edwards LMT 1315 Delauney Ave #100 Columbus, GA 31901 Email DebbieEdwards@ColumbusTherapeuticMassage.com (706) 321-0081 http://www.columbustherapeuticmassage.com/aboutus.html Throughout recorded history massage has been used to promote health and well-being. Hippocrates prescribed massage for both patients and athletes. It has been used for thousands of years to relax muscles, eliminate spasms, diminish fatigue and soften connective tissue. NATUROPATHICElements Natural MedicineDr. Brenna Murphy Dr. Elizabeth Cantrell 6367 Whitesville Rd #100 Columbus, GA 31904 Contact elements@elementsnatmed.com (706) 507-0407 http://www.elementsnatmed.com/naturalmedicine.html COLDS to CANCER - the Naturopathic doctors at Elements will help you look and feel your best using cutting-edge clinically proven natural therapies. SALON AND SPANew Image Medspa5592 Whitesville Rd Columbus, GA 31904 Info info@newimagemedspa.com (706) 653-8772 http://newimagemedspa.com/spaPackages.html Girl's Day Out The spa will be all yours for the duration of your stay. 25 Minute Massage, Milk & Honey Body Treatment, Organic Enzyme Peel, Lavender Paraffin Hand Dip, Warm Foot Treatment, Brow wax. Light appetizers. Caravail's Day Spa 1658 Rollins Way # B Columbus, GA 31904 EMail columbus@caravailsdayspa.com (706) 327-7431 href="http://www.caravailsdayspa.com/columbus-georgia/massages.php" target="_blank">http://www.caravailsdayspa.com/columbus-georgia/massages.php CaraVail's Day Spa is a full-service day spa in Columbus, GA. Our mission is to provide you with a relaxed, stress-free environment in which to enjoy our many services and products. Choose from our list of many services above to get more information and pricing. YOGAArt of Yoga627 2nd #6 Columbus Columbus Georgia 31901 Info artofyogacolumbusga@gmail.com (706) 324-0558 http://www.artofyogacolumbusga.com/About-Us.html Art of Yoga Columbus, GA welcomes all people who seek to practice this ancient tradition, whether you have been practicing for years or attending your first class, yoga is for everyone. In operation since 1999, the studio brings together teachers from a rich combination of traditions. We are committed to creating and nourishing a yoga community through a variety of ongoing classes. Columbus Georgia | Holistic Medicine