Gatineau QC | Holistic Medicine
ACUPUNCTUREMilot David Acupuncture32, rue Principale Gatineau QC J9H 3L1, Canada Info dmassemilot@hotmail.com (819) 684-8285 http://www.acupunctureaylmer.com/en/conditions.html Chinese acupuncture takes a holistic approach to the body and medicine. As each course of therapy considers multiple factors about the individual patient, treatments will vary from person to person. CHIROPRACTORAdvanced Wellness Centre200 Metcalfe Street Ottawa, ON K2P 1P7, Canada Email info@advancedwellness.ca (613) 237-5252 http://www.advancedwellness.ca/philosophy.htm We look at the body as a whole, and approach health holistically. Our goal is to improve your health, and we are dedicated to improving people's lives by having a significant impact on their lives throughout their care. COACHINGSanté Globale Coach de Vie et d'ÉveilAnnie Renaud 316 Rue Lévis Gatineau QC J8P 5R8, Canada Contact ange_aimeeindigo@hotmail.com (819) 669-7151 http://www.coachannie333.com/ Become master of your life, let your past, your old memories, join the dance of consciousness or supra aware, become a creator-ordinator of your life! HYPNOSISRenaissance Hypnosis.CaDany Leblanc Ch Gisele Leduc 217 Place des Sorbiers Gatineau QC J8Y 6P9, Canada (819) 420-3891 http://www.renaissancehypnosis.ca/contacts.php Under hypnosis, you're more open than usual to suggestions, and this can be used to modify your perceptions, behavior, sensations and emotions. Therapeutic hypnosis is used to improve your health and well-being and is different from so-called stage hypnosis used by entertainers. MASSAGEPetraMassage Therapy Clinic1316 Carling Ave. Ottawa, ON K1Z 7L1, Canada Email info@petrahealthcentre.com (613) 422-8722 http://www.petrahealthcentre.com/ourteam.html A variety of techniques may be utilized depending on individual needs, including trigger point therapy, fascial work, deep tissue therapy, muscle stripping, joint play, stretching, and muscle energy techniques. The ultimate goal is to eliminate pain, restore mobility, improve posture, relieve mental and physical stress, and assist you with ways to maintain good health. Metta Massage & Yoga Clinic 421 Richmond Road Ottawa, ON K2A 4H1, Canada Contact info@mettamassage.com (613) 724-4747 http://mettamassage.com/massage Our Registered Massage Therapists (R.M.T.s) specialize in many areas such as prenatal massage, myofascial release, relaxation massage and sports injuries. We treat victims of motor vehicle accidents and clients with workers compensation claims. OSTEOPATHICOttawa Osteopathy & Sports Therapy2197 Riverside Dr #601 Ottawa, ON K1H 7X3, Canada Info info@ottawaosteopath.com (613) 521-3222 href="http://www.ottawaosteopath.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=27" target="_blank">http://www.ottawaosteopath.com/index.php?option=com_content href="http://www.ottawaosteopath.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=27" target="_blank">&task=view&id=13&Itemid=27 Osteopathic manual practice is a holistic approach to treating one or more problems. Based on anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the human body, these treatments address the patient as a whole unit. Using specific manual therapy (hands-on) techniques, treatments may focus on different areas such as the musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles and joints), the cranium (head, face and jaw) and the visceral system (internal organs). REIKIIntuitivelightCheryl Driskell 98 Spadina Avenue #2 Ottawa, ON K1Y 2C1, Canada Info cdriskell333@gmail.com (613) 761-6773 http://www.intuitivelight.com/reiki.html Reiki is a hands on healing technique that utilizes conscious life- force energy to support the gentle releasing of stuck and stagnant energies in your body and energy fields. The outcome is always one of peaceful surrender and restfulness, allowing the body and mind to heal at the pace they were intended to for your highest good. YOGAMetta Massage & Yoga Clinic421 Richmond Road Ottawa, ON K2A 4H1, Canada Contact info@mettamassage.com (613) 724-4747 http://mettamassage.com/yoga Open to students of all levels, Metta's Yoga classes are focused on de-stressing, proper stretching and alignment skills. Yoga postures safely stretch not only the muscles but all of the soft tissues of your body including ligaments, tendons, and the fascia sheath surrounding muscles, releasing the lactic acid that builds up with muscle use and causes stiffness, tension, pain and fatigue. Centre Masso-Détente 225 Bd De La Gappe Gatineau, QC J8T 7Y3, Canada EMail CENTREMASSODETENTE@VIDEOTRON.CA (819) 205-3026 http://massodetente.com/yoga.html Chaque classe débutera par quelques exercices de yoga basés principalement sur des techniques de repiration (Pranayamas); ce cours se veut une exploration de la méditation au travers de diférentes techniques : méditation sur le souffle, méditation avec mantras (le plus souvent chantés), méditation avec support visuel (mandalas), méditation dynamique (marche, danse) et méditation avec le son (GONG). Gatineau QC | Holistic Medicine