Micheal Teal Quotes
![]() "Life is a celebration and if we attune ourselves spiritually we can experience meaningful transformation. The peace within you is a blessing to be shared. Step joyfully into the future and know that as you embrace your magnificence you raise the consciousness of humanity. Love your divinity and let every moment of every day be a mystical experience that takes your soul to the next level". ~ Micheal Teal ![]() "Transform your thoughts and embrace love as a way of life. Your souls dance is one of great joy and by acknowledging its beauty you foster the awakening spirit and create positive outcomes in all aspects of life. The essence of being alive is to live like you mean it and transform limiting beliefs. By doing so you inspire the heart which will in return guide you along a path of bliss to a happy and passionate life."~Micheal Teal ![]() "The kingdom within is a lush garden that fills your soul with awe. An inner landscape of truth, beauty and love that if acknowledged and appreciated will transport you to a higher level of being where the glow of greatness will guide you to the essence of true wisdom. Find your wings and let your soul fly across a rainbow bridge of divine grace and harmony to a place where love is life and life is love!"Micheal Teal ![]() "To connect with the angels we must trust our inner voice. Have a talk with your spirit guides, experience the extraordinary and embrace the beauty within for doing so will enable you to live the life you want to live. We are all Earth Angels and our souls are the place where heaven and earth meet. By knowing yourself you change the world for the better and live your higher self. Be love and you connect with the angels." ~Micheal Teal ![]() "Romance your Soul. Make Love to your Spirit. Walk hand in hand with your Ancestors as you Experience the Divine Breath of Life. Embrace the Truth and Pray at the Temple of the Sacred Heart. Bless the Universe with the Gift of You and Smile with the Knowledge that you are Loved. I Feel the Breeze of your Soul and I am Transformed. Connect with the Earth, Reach for the Heavens and Rejoice for Today is a new Opportunity to Live, Laugh and Love!" ~Micheal Teal ![]() "We all have a divine mission on earth. Let that mission be to inspire love and embrace the light within. Let that mission be to have peace in our hearts as we create heaven on earth. Let that mission be to seek empowerment through transformation and to breathe joy into everything we do. If we allow these things to be our mission the golden light of the sun will shine on our souls and change our world forever." ~Micheal Teal ![]() "Your Life is a Gift. Share that Gift and Be a Greater presence in the Universe. Be a Touch of Inspiration to all you come in contact with. Every Moment is an Opportunity to Touch a Soul in way that is Life Enhancing. You Life is a Miracle. Share that Miracle and Be a warm and open Vessel of Light. Be a Spiritual Mentor to those who need Guidance. Every Breath is an Opportunity to fill your Heart with Love. Your Life is Yours to make whatever you want it to be. Make it Beautiful."~Micheal Teal ![]() Love is a home for your soul, a spiritual blueprint which allows us to build a life guided purpose and divine light. Love washes over us like raindrops from heaven bathing us in meaning, purpose and joy. Seek the company of souls adrift and let your love wash over them as doing so will awaken humanity to unimaginable bliss. Love is the karmic whole that enables us to live life in a more conscious way. Love!"~Micheal Teal ![]() "On this Morning I am Greeted by the Beauty of Existence. Nature is singing a Sacred song that Inspires the Awakening Spirit. I am at Home in my Body and at One with the Universe, It is when we Embrace our own Mysterious Splendor that the Heavens Rejoice. Enjoy the Glory of your Divine Self and Share who you are with everyone you meet. You are Unique and Magnificent. Imagine what you can Be and then Be what you Imagined. On this Morning I am Greeted by Love and for that I am Grateful and Blessed." Micheal Teal Quotes ![]() "If we identify with the soul we awaken the authentic self , inspire the spirit and fuel the fire of transformation." Micheal Teal Quotes ![]() “The true beauty of the inner self is its Spirit nurturing truth which breathes joy and happiness into our very Soul. By living life in harmony and balance we awaken our inner universe and cultivate infinite Love for all beings. The essence of being alive is to live an inspired life of higher self discovery that opens doorways to richness of Spirit and inspires us to embrace the Earth as a Sacred womb of Love.” Micheal Teal Quotes ![]() “Life is a magnificent manifestation where if we honour Sacred Mother Earth, rivers of love will flow freely. New levels of spiritual awareness are upon us and by recognizing their beauty we can inspire every aspect of our lives. Let your soul be an oasis of transformation that takes your life to the next level and fulfills your dreams. Rejoice in your awakening, the future is now and love is in every breath you take." Micheal Teal Quotes Teal” ![]() My soul is dressed with beams of light that I may serve as a beacon to those in the shadows who are seeking vision and spirit. By bringing earth closer to heaven we can all give birth to the magnificence of our own being. Ours is a journey of compassion and transformation, by breathing in the moment we cultivate spiritual wellbeing and celebrate the miracle of life. Let your global soul create a new humanity... Micheal Teal Quotes ![]() "There is a bridge to the sky within your soul and a doorway to healing and peace within your heart. If we look inside and embrace our true essence we bless the source of life. See beyond your vision and you will find a garden of harmony and joy where every breath is a source of inspiration. If we dream new realities we will open ourselves to abundant blessings. Together we can create miracles!" Micheal Teal Quotes Micheal Teal Quotes
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