Quincy Massachusetts | Holistic Health
ACUPUNCTUREWholeBody SolutionsAbram Ojure, Lic.Ac., Dipl. MAOM 605 Hancock Street Quincy Massachusetts 02170 (617) 328-6300 http://wholebodysolutions.org/acupuncture.htm Abram believes strongly in creating a collaborative approach between patient and provider and works to engage every patient in their own care. He works to maximize your health and will often provide traditional Chinese medicine diet coaching as well as exercise prescriptions. href="http://www.askdoctortao.com/www.askdoctortao.com/about_us/index.htm" target="_blank">Natural Healing Acupuncture 299 Newport Ave # 6-7 Quincy, MA 02170 (617) 479-9001 Natural Healing Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic was founded in 1999 by Tao Xie to provide the highest quality healthcare service of Eastern medicine. Its goal is to ensure you receive the best acupuncture and herbal treatment possible. CHIROPRACTORDubin ChiropracticDoctor Joshua Dubin 1250 Hancock St # 106N Quincy, MA 02169 Email jcdubin@aol.com (617) 471-2444 http://www.dubinchiro.com/about/techniques.html Adjustments, which are high-velocity, low-force techniques, are used by chiropractors to restore motion to the joints in the spine and extremities. Back pain can be caused by trauma and postrual overstrain. Tardanico Chiropractic Dr. Philip Tardanico 792 Southern Artery Quincy Massachusetts 02169 Email Tardanico8@comcast.net (617) 479-7231 http://www.drtee.com/ Tardanico Chiropractic has great success in back pain treatment with the gentle and effective disc decompression technique, in which Dr. Tardanico has been certified for many years. Dr. T, as he is affectionatley known to his patients, has served the chiropractic and holistic health care needs of Quincy for many years. WholeBody Solutions 605 Hancock Street Quincy, MA 02170 (617) 328-6300 A chiropractic adjustment corrects spinal dysfunction or improves spinal alignment and motion, relieving irritation, pressure and pain on the nerve. The purpose of this safe and natural procedure is to eliminate interference to the nervous system, improving spinal function and overall health. Milton Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Dr. Steven Windwer Dr. David W. Smith Dr. Kassam 111 Willard Street #2a Quincy, MA 02169 Email drwindwer@miltonchiropractic.com Email drsmith@miltonchiropractic.com Email drkassam@miltonchiropractic.com (617) 471-4491 Are you looking for a conservative, natural solution to your headaches, neck pain or back pain? Sciatica or a pinched nerve? Or perhaps you are looking for ways to get healthy and stay healthy while avoiding drugs and surgery? HYPNOSISAddie Kania, Hypnotherapist6 Farmington Avenue Haverhill, MA 01832 (978) 374-9572 Hypnosis is an altered state of mind in which you are very relaxed, physically and mentally while remaining aware of everything going on around you. It sounds like a paradox, but it is highly focused, yet relaxed and alert state of mind. Personal Healing Hypnosis Center Avinoam Lerner 496 Harvard Street Brookline, MA 02446 (617) 564-0707 http://www.avinoamlerner.com/ To facilitate and promote self-healing of these non-physical aspects, two powerful dynamic and therapeutic tools, hypnotherapy [2] and Neuro-Linguistic Programming [3], have been combined. These techniques have been around for some time, and have proved effective individually. MASSAGEBodyworks by Kim29 Cottage Avenue Quincy Massachusetts 02169 (617) 479-1030 John Winsolow Institute 1150 Hancock Street Quincy, MA 02169 (617) 774-1100 YOGAHealingTree Yoga605 Hancock Street Quincy, MA 02170 Contact info@healingtreeyoga.com (617) 770-4800 http://www.healingtreeyoga.com/ We provide a wonderful retreat in Quincy where the spirit of yoga and wellness is shared through a professional group of teachers and wellness practitioners. Real Life Yoga 101 Adams St Quincy Massachusetts 02169 Contact reallifeyoga@gmail.com (617) 285-5219 http://www.reallifeyoga.com/ Over the past 15 years, Owner Dee Lyon has studied many styles of Yoga and Fitness Techniques, integrating them into her practice and teachings. Sage Center for Yoga & Healing Arts 12 Wyndmere Road Milton, MA 02186 sallywconnolly@hotmail.com (617) 696-7441 http://www.sagehealingarts.com/ Through the practice of traditional yoga postures, breathing exercises and guided meditation, students will gain strength, flexibility, peace of mind and a feeling of being more in harmony with their environment. Good Energy 82 Hancock Street Braintree, MA 02184 Email goodenergycenter@gmail.com (781) 351-9130 http://www.goodenergycenter.com/ We offer group classes and workshops, all led by passionate instructors who are honored to join you on your path to whole health and stress management. Santosha Yoga and Pilates 60 Adams Street Milton, MA Email santosha1@verizon.net (617) 698-8200 Milton Yoga 777 Randolph Avenue Milton, MA Info sean@miltonyoga.com (781) 534-9642 http://www.miltonyoga.com/ New students, age 18 and over, can try out the studio for 10 consecutive days. Take as many classes as you like and pay only $10. Bikram Yoga Quincy 1555 Hancock Street Quincy, MA 02169 Info quincybikramyoga@gmail.com (617) 328-9642 http://www.quincybikramyoga.com/ Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 hatha yoga postures (asanas) done in a specific order over 90 minutes in a heated room. Quincy Massachusetts | Holistic Health