Rhonda Byrne Quotes
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![]() "The more that you practice gratitude the more deeply you will feel it in your heart, and the depth of the feeling is the key. The more deeply and sincerely you feel it, the more you will bring absolute bliss and happiness on every single subject. Watch what happens in your life when you practice gratitude every single day and in every single moment and in every opportunity that you can."~ From The Secret Scrolls by Rhonda Byrne
![]() "The reason you have to love You is because it is impossible to feel good if you don’t love You. When you feel bad about yourself, you are blocking all the love and all the good that the Universe has for you."~The Secret
![]() "As you defend against something in your life, you are bringing the very thing you don't want to you. Defending is focusing on the problem, and defending attracts more defending. Instead, be creative and focus all your energy on the out come you want. Creating is focusing on the solutions. Be creative, not defensive. Focus on the solutions, not on the problems."~ (The Secret Daily Teachings)
![]() "The fastest way to become the master of your thoughts and emotions is through challenging situations. If your life is going along fairly smoothly, there are not the same opportunities that enable you to strengthen your power and become the master of your thoughts and emotions. You see, even challenges are beautiful opportunities in disguise."~From The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne
![]() "It is when you no longer feel the need for money that money will come. The feeling of needing money comes from the thought that you don't have enough, and so you continue to create not having enough money. You are always creating, and when it comes to money, you are either creating the lack of it or the abundance of it." Rhonda Byrne Quotes
![]() "You cannot criticize or blame or complain when you are in Joy. You cannot be afraid when you are in Joy. You cannot speak negatively when you are in Joy. You cannot harm another when you are in Joy. Negativity cannot reach you when you are in Joy. When you are in Joy you are compassionate. When you are in Joy you are considerate and caring. When you are in Joy you love others. When you are in Joy you appreciate everything. When you are in Joy you are in love with the world, and the Universe is in love with you. Be in Joy. Seek it with all of your heart, and you will find it." Rhonda Byrne Quotes
![]() "Good is underneath every single thing that appears to be negative. If we can know that good is all there is, including in a negative situation, then we will see a negative situation transform into all good. Most people keep the good away from themselves because they label something as bad, and then, of course, that becomes their reality. But there is no bad in the Universe; it is just our inability to see things clearly from the bigger perspective. Peace comes from knowing that good is all that exists." Rhonda Byrne Quotes
![]() "Do you believe in magic? This is a big question to ask yourself, because if your answer is ‘no,’ then the law of attraction must make sure that you don’t experience magic happening in your life. If you answer ‘yes,’ then the law of attraction MUST deliver a magical life to you. The difference between how magical life felt when you were a child and how your life might be now is because you stopped believing in the magic of life. And by the law of attraction the magic in your life had to stop! Until now… - Rhonda Byrne Quotes
![]() You can tell in your relationships right now what you've been giving. If a current relationship is great, it means you are giving more love and gratitude than negativity If a current relationship is difficult or challenging, it means you are inadvertently giving more negativity than love. - Rhonda Byrne Creator of The Secret & The Power Rhonda Byrne Quotes
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